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Noosfero's new version, 0.37.0 "Eket ", is available!

5 de Junho de 2012, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
Visualizado 282 vezes

See what's new! :)

The version shortlog can be seen on Noosfero 0.37.0 page

Allow disabling the need for e-mail confirmation

Before this release, when an user wanted to create a profile on a Noosfero environment he needed to fill in the registration form and then follow the link he received on his e-mail to activate the account. In this release we included a new configuration for the environment, making this procedure optional.

From now on, the environment administrator can choose if new users will need to confirm their e-mails before activating their accounts. Checking the option "Skip e-mail confirmation for new users" on Admin control panel, the users will be already activated after sending the registration form.

skip-email-confirmation-option.png Skip e-mail confirmation option

Let all community members edit some articles

On Noosfero, the permissions that an user has on a community are defined by the role the user plays on it. Only the environment administrators can define which permissions each role will have.

This new feature includes the option "Allow all members to edit this article" when creating/editing an article on a community. This way, regardless the role the user is playing he will be able to edit the article.

all-members-can-edit-option.png All members can edit option

Credit for the basket icon

Since Noosfero 0.35.0 we are using a basket icon on buttons related with buying products from enterprises.

The image was created by Nara Oliveira and the art is available on Open ClipArt

basket.png Basket image


New language for Noosfero: Italian

Noosfero now supports a new language: Italian.

The translation is not ready. To contribute with it, read the topic

German translation

On this release we included updates on German translation. This was possible thanks to the contribution of Josef Spillner. thumbs up

New plugin: StoaPlugin

A plugin that includes features to Stoa, USP's social network.

With this plugin enabled, Noosfero can interact with the already built Moodle authentication system and provide the authentication.

More informartion about Stoa:


  • Refactor logic in the article toolbar
  • Create directory needed in a bootstraped setup
  • Removed needless "Disable CMS" feature
  • Reduce friction to create a new user for testing
  • Small enhancements in quick start script
  • Ignore all cookies except the Noosfero one
  • Updating install acoording to rails 2.3.5


  • Removed "Add translation" from not translatable pages
  • Do not symlink obsolete .mo files


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